lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Are you ready to cut the cord in all your gadgets?

Are you ready to cut the cord in all your gadgets?

We just completed a survey on holiday buying trends, and the most demanding technology product are Bluetooth wireless headphones.

In August I pointed out that Apple wants to take a lead role and move everyone to wireless gadgets in the near future. Apple has a history of driving the industry and this movement seems to be another in which Cupertino could play a key role.

As I mentioned in that article, I have not used headphones wired on my ipad, iphone or various Android devices for years. Since all have Bluetooth wireless radios, it only makes sense, at least for me, to cut the wires and only use wireless headphones for music or phone calls. I still have a lot of cable headphones of some kind and fortunately, Apple includes a 3.5 mm audio input converter to the USB-C input so you can use these older headphones if needed. However, once you get used to a cordless handset, you never really want to go back to a cable if you can avoid it.

As a result, we are seeing a lot of new wireless headphones popping up everywhere, so the prices are still dropping. Of course, the first-line wireless headphones are still in the range of 399-500 dollars, but I've seen some really big in the range of 199-299 dollars too. I am especially interested in the new Sony MDR-1000. These are the best noise cancelling headphones I've used and I find the sound quality better than my headphones with Bose noise cancelling.

This is the beginning of a move towards a fully wireless mobile environment within the next two or three years. It starts with the headset, but it will soon move to smartphones and laptops as well. In fact, several reports suggest that Apple could add wireless charge to the iphone next year. Given Apple's history of advancing the industry forward, a movement like this could eventually start up this nascent market.

The disadvantage of this transition will be the cost. I suspect that the first generation of smartphones and laptops that move to the wireless charge will be expensive, which means that only high-end models will have it – at least at first. If Apple adds wireless charge to the iphone, it will move its competitors to follow its example in its high-end models very fast and ultimately reduce costs so that most high-end and mid-range products have this feature.

But the big problem with the wireless charge right now is the competition of standards. A good booklet on this comes from Phonea, which created an overview when it comes to smartphones. A big boost to who will lead the future of the wireless charge is the Apple standard when you add the wireless charge to your iOS platform.

In conversations with several laptop vendors, they are also considering a move towards adding wireless load, but only on high-end models at first. Dell can be the driving force here. In June, it introduced a portable wireless charging system based on the WiTricity wireless charge standard.

Personally, I'm waiting for the day when I don't have to carry multiple wired chargers.

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