domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

Augmented reality will change the way we interact with our devices

Augmented reality will change the way we interact with our devices

For years, the only interface available to computer enthusiasts was the keyboard. In 1984, the Mac brought with it the graphical user interface and the mouse, which took time for the veterans to accustomed us.

OpinionsEl today, all our devices use some form of graphical user interface, navigating via mouse, stylus or touch. But we are about to experience the next breakthrough thanks to augmented reality and virtual reality, where voice and gestures will serve to drive innovation in hardware and software.

However, this will not happen overnight. As Fortune reports, only 6% of Americans will own an RV helmet this year, generating a total of $556 million in U.S. sales

Although it is a good start and serves as an introduction of the RV and the RA to the high-end tech market, it will take some time for this trend to begin to grow. It is estimated that by 2022, only 44% of people in the U.S. will use some type of RV helmet or a mixed-reality solution.

The reality is that most people will not want to wear glasses as part of their interaction with computers. Instead, technologies such as 3d monitors and VR-or RA-based interfaces will be the areas where we'll see more innovation on the PC, while the RA is likely to dominate the mobile device market.

In fact, I think Apple will focus specifically on RA, maybe integrating iOS as soon as next fall with the iphone 8. Tim Cook has said on multiple occasions that he thinks it will be the RA (not the RV), which has a greater impact and acceptance within the new generation of mobile devices.

Although Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR, Microsoft HoloLens, HTC lives and even Google Daydream are looking at the RV, I think Apple will concentrate its efforts on the RA. Apple was a pioneer with the mouse and touch screen, and I wouldn't be surprised if they planned to do the same with the RA. If they could incorporate it into the iphone, the popularity of this technology would explode.

This does not, of course, mean that Apple is the only company that pursues Ra, you just have to see apps like Pokémon go. But the real breakthrough will take place when you add sensors that capture hand movements on the screen to play and work with different apps, or when you can use voice commands and gestures to navigate the apps on a smartphone.

Although the mouse, keyboard and even touch screen have allowed us to be very productive when it comes to interact with our computers and personal devices, it is time to take the interface one step further. I think adding RV and RA to our experience is the next evolution in user interface design.

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