miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Why would California lose a big thing for the self-employed cars?

Why would California lose a big thing for the self-employed cars?

California has long been a breeding ground for innovation and has promoted pioneering technology companies ranging from Disney to Apple. But in terms of auto-driving – and based on several recent developments – a much more conservative Michigan is taking pole position in nurturing technology.

Michigan and particularly the Detroit area is an ideal incubator for autonomous technology, as it is the hub of the automotive universe and can capitalize on its extensive talent and own resources, including the manufacturing capacity of world-class vehicles and research capacity. The state also has a wide range of weather conditions to better test self-directed vehicles under real conditions.

And it has a state government that is friendly with technology. A recent example of this is a broad legislation passed in law last week by Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, which allows self-employed vehicles to operate on state roads without a human behind the wheel or even on board.

It also allows semi-automated truck platoons to travel together at established speeds and carpool services to collect passengers. "This is a great step for our state," because it will allow for accurate and appropriate tests of autonomous vehicles on real roads and in real situations ... in order to provide greater opportunities to test, manufacture and operate autonomous vehicles in Michigan, "Snyder said in a blog post earlier this week.

Contrast with this is California's most restrictive approach. Last December, the state DMV issued a bill that, among other things, requires a driver to be ready to take the wheel of an autonomous vehicle at all times, and that a vehicle must have a steering wheel and pedals.

This last point did not sit well with Google, the highest-profile company in California doing autonomous car testing, as their auto-driving cars are designed without traditional controls. "We are seriously disappointed that California is already writing a roof in the potential of fully self-directed cars to help everyone who lives here," said a Google spokesman at the time.

California moves away from the topic

Following the publication of the bill, several technology and automotive trade groups sent a letter to the California State transportation agency, which said that requiring a driver behind the wheel "moves away from the issue" of technology. The strict rules "lose a critical opportunity to increase security and reduce accidents," they said.

At the end of September, the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, signed a bill that allows autonomous vehicles to circulate on public roads without a human reserve driver or a steering wheel and pedals. But it only applies to a pilot project in an autonomous vehicle facility in Northern California testing and in a nearby business park, and speeds are limited to less than 35MPH.

Google would have informed the California DMV at the end of last year that if the rules are not loosened, the company's self-directed car would not be available in California, and has moved some of its tests to Texas and the state of Washington. Google also opened a large facility in the Detroit area earlier this year.

But the evidence also came this week of why California thinks it prudent to adopt a more cautious approach in the legislation of autonomous vehicles. Openly defying California's licensing process for autonomous vehicles, Uber began testing the Volvo highways in San Francisco, and one was captured on camera by passing a red light.

While companies compete to take the lead in autonomous vehicles, we hope to see more of these develop their car drivers in Michigan. Let's hope we don't see big auto-driving platforms passing red lights as a result.

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