domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

English Virtual reality is the future of presentations and car sales

 English Virtual reality is the future of presentations and car sales
The best car I saw during automobility (better known as the Los Angeles Auto Show) This week wasn't even real. To present its new completely electric crossover, called I-pace, Jaguar brought the media together in a studio with a dozen large tables in one room, there were HTC live devices, as well as Dell Precision PCs, stereo headphones and joystick controls.

Nextcar bug ArtDebes Keep in mind that the journalists specializing in cars are somewhat grumpy, in addition, the electronic music we heard on the headphones while we waited for the presentation did not help at all. Eventually, we entered an animated experience of what Jaguar called "the first revelation in the world" of the vehicle concept I-pace. I'm sure it won't be the last.

A digital host presented the designer Ian Callum, who drew light on the silhouette of the vehicle, which was built piece by piece in front of our eyes. RV was also used to show how the battery packs are distributed in the vehicle and how much space the trunk has. We use the joysticks to rotate the 3d images.

In addition to the special and spatial effects, how to give participants a satellite vision of the West coast of the U.S. to demonstrate the autonomy of more than 350 kilometers of the car, the most surprising trick was to place each participant in the cockpit of a virtual I-pace, first in the driver's seat and then in the rear. The details of the interior, although they had a caricature aspect, made you want to stretch your arm and touch them, even the elements as the logos on the speakers were intact.
Showing the guts of the car in 3d
Although all this was very impressive, the application of the RV that proved most practical was the possibility of seeing the operation of electric motors, suspended at the height of the line of sight of the participants, providing an excellent 3d perspective. The demonstration of the suspension system was so realistic that I instinctively receded to avoid being hit in the head by a real size tire.
When he concluded the RV part of the presentation, the real I-Pace appeared. But you do not need to be a journalist to experience the vehicle via RV as there is a mobile Jaguar app available in the App Store Viveport.
I hope to see more presentations like this in the future, this advertising strategy highlights the potential of RV applications for automotive companies.
Imagine trying different vehicles from the comfort of your own home, with the possibility to perceive the dimensions of the interior. Car fanatics could study engines, transmissions or suspensions, while geeks could analyze the displays on the board or infotainment options. And shoppers could see the cars in any combination of color and materials.
The possibilities are limitless. And after I-Pace's presentation, I think the RV will become a popular way for manufacturers to showcase their cars, and it will be a good sales tool.

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